Sunday, April 22, 2012

The Social Web, Ch.6

The Social Web, Ch. 6 p. 85 

The author referred to the social web as a "collaborative construction of knowledge",( p. 85, Blogs, Wikis, Podscasts).  All information is shared and created collaboratively, a new construct of learning.  This social web is where we have many "friends" that we connect to,  but, just as importantly, these friends have other friends who can connect to us.  We all share ideas and resources to conduct research.

Twitter micro blogging is an example of a network of friends  This network makes us become part of a larger community.  Tweeting combines personal and professional relationships. The author believes that we become smarter using this community and suggests as an example.  My personal feeling is that we become smarter at finding additional resources for research through other people. 

In the academic community, tweeting is used currently as another method of communication with parents.  Daily notices, links to student work, presentations and relevant web tools are posted.  Tweeting on cell phones can be used to get instant feedback to an assessment question.  Tweeting is also used as a public notebook.  The caveat is that only 140 characters can be used in one tweet.

Social bookmarking services are another way to read and connect with what other people read.  Delicious and Diigo are specifically reviewed.  Diigo gives us the  ability to annotate and highlight information and can be used for work and personal use simultaneously. I believe this site would be a more useful tool for research purposes because of these capabilities. Delicious is a Google product that features ease of use in order to tag, share and save relevant websites. 

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